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Home Music djSampler djSampler Samples Collection

djSampler Samples Collection

djSampler, harpSampler, midi Sampler, samplerSequencer

Samples Collection (Audio Samples Community)

Here You can download here the sound samples for djSamples, harpSampler, midi Sampler and samplerSequencer.

The sound samples are FREE and were created by djSamples, harpSampler, midi Sampler and samplerSequencer users.

So, to increase samples collection, send Your sound samples to Questo indirizzo e-mail è protetto dallo spam bot. Abilita Javascript per vederlo. and Your sound samples will be published in this page and will be available for the other djSamples, harpSampler and samplerSequencer users.


Samples available at this time:

Single instrument audio samples:

General MIDI audio samples collection ( 124 instrumental sounds - Samples List ):

Drum Kit Collection (808 and 909):


How to use the audio samples (install and loading procedure):

- unzip

- open "iTunes" software

- Archive --> Add to library --> select all <GM_Samples> sounds (or the sounds samples You need - You can create Your own sound samples using any wave editors for MAC or PC like Audacity: You have to save the sound samples using for example .mp3 file format)

- Archive --> new playlist --> playlist name: GM_Samples (choose here the name that You prefer)

- Import all GM_Samples sounds into GM_Samples playlist

- Connect Your device --> select Music --> Check GM_Samples playlist

- Synchronize Your device (the GM_Samples sounds will be copied into the device iPod library)

- Open djSampler, harpSampler, midi Sampler or samplerSequencer

- Press "Import" button --> import all the <GM_Samples> sounds You need, touching the sound sample name with a finger (from GM_Samples playlist to djSampler, harpSampler, midi Sampler or samplerSequencer apps)

- Press "Samples" button --> select sound --> press "Done" button --> play live music with djSampler, harpSampler, midi Sampler or samplerSequencer keyboards/harp or using an external MIDI Keyboard (only for "midi Sampler" app)



Download samplerSequencer and samplerSequencer HD documentation here.


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NGCYBIT Robotics

NGCYBIT Robotics



Support for my apps, documentation, libraries and music is FREE.

I understand that not everyone can afford a donation but for those who wish to support the development and updating of my apps and music by pressing the "DONATE" button you can choose to support me with a free donation.

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