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Home Productivity Scribes Scribes PRO FAQ

Scribes PRO FAQ

*** How to set the secret password? ***
- press on "CHANGE PASSWORD" label (lower right the PASSWORD text field, into the Scribes PRO password window)
- specify the password into the "NEW PASSWORD" text field
- press "CHANGE" button
- press "DONE" button (the chosen password can now be used)

*** How to visualize "Scribes PRO Archive"? ***
- press on "PASSWORD" text field
- insert the chosen password and confirm with the keyboard return button
- "Scribes PRO Archive" will be opened: to create a new notebook (document) press on " + " button (lower left in the screen)

*** How to rename the written notebooks? ***
- into the "Scribes PRO Archive", under the image of the notebook, tap the notebook file name
- write the new file name with keyboard and confirm the new name pressing the keyboard return button

*** How to delete a written notebook? ***
- tap the notebook into the archive to select it: a selected notebook has Yellow border around
- press "TRASH" button to delete the notebook from the archive

*** How to visualize a written notebook? ***
- tap the notebook into the archive to select it: a selected notebook has Yellow border around
- press on "open notebook" button (upper right on the screen) or press on the notebook preview (lower center in the screen) or double tap the notebook image to visualize the chosen notebook
- zoom the notebook page using two fingers, pan the notebook page dragging two fingers on the screen, full zoom out using two fingers to automatically reset zoom and pan
- press on the "Archive" button to return to the notebook's archive

*** How to share a notebook or recorded audio file with other apps or with dropbox/iDisk (cloud)? ***
- tap the notebook into the archive to select it: a selected notebook has Yellow border around
- press on "Open In" button (lower center in the screen)
- choose the app with which You want to share the selected notebook or ".caf" recorded audio file

*** How to copy the recorded audio file ( <file>.caf ) from the device to a MAC or PC ( see also: iTunes File Sharing - Help )? ***
- Connect the device to a MAC or PC using the usb cable
- Run iTunes software on Your MAC or PC
- Click on Your device name (iTunes - left)
- Click on "App" tab (iTunes - up)
- Low left on the screen, select Scribes PRO (You have to scroll down the iTunes App page - if You do not scroll down You can not see the "iTunes Files Sharing" apps and the "Documents" area). When You select the app (left), right on the screen (in the "Documents" area) You can see Your recorded audio files (<files>.caf)
- Drag the recorded audio files from the "Documents" area (iTunes - low right) to a MAC or PC folder to copy the recorded audio files from Your device to Your MAC or PC (or viceversa)

*** How can i import the .caf files recorded by Scribes PRO into iTunes app audio files (audio file encoding: .caf -> .mp3 or .caf -> .m4a) ***?
- copy the Scribes PRO recorded <file>.caf file in Your MAC using "iTunes File Sharing" ( iTunes File Sharing - Help )
- using the "Finder" app on Your MAC, press the mouse right button on the <file>.caf file and choose "Encode Selected Audio Files" from the menu
- choose the format You prefer (like for example "Apple Lossless" --> .m4a --> conversion: .caf -> .m4a --> .m4a files can be imported into iTunes app audio files)
- use Audacity to convert the .m4a to .mp3 (conversion: .m4a -> .mp3 --> .mp3 files can be imported into iTunes app audio files)

tapeRecorder Help Encode1

tapeRecorder Help Encode2


*** See also: iTunes File Sharing - Help ***


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NGCYBIT Robotics

NGCYBIT Robotics



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