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Home Productivity VR Models Manager
VR Models Manager

VR Models Manager

VR Models Manager turns your device into a three-dimensional model viewer in virtual reality (on the screen of the device or using a VR VISOR) for the design, study, simulation and detailed observation of 3D models.


Build one or more 3D models (with textures, using for example Blender, FingerCAD, Finger3D, etc...) and visualize them in virtual reality: use the screen of the device or use any VR VISOR to visualize the 3D model in CINEMA 3D mode, with the perception of the depth of the 3D model.


Build a fantasy world:

- populate the scene with one or more 3D models built by you

- insert a background

- insert the sky


Interacting manually with the 3D model you can:

- rotate the camera around the 3D model (by dragging a finger on the screen) -> rotate the 3D model around its vertical or lateral axes

- move the camera to the right or left (by dragging two fingers on the screen) -> move left / right / up / down the 3D model

- move the camera forward or backward (by dragging three fingers vertically on the screen) -> move the 3D model closer and further away

- rotate the camera around its horizontal axis (ROLL - rotating two fingers on the screen) -> rotate the 3D model around its front axis

- change the camera's FOV (field of view) (pinching the screen with two fingers)

- restore the initial settings of the camera (double touch with a finger)


Background of the scene and landscape:

- you can add a background/sky to the scene (horizon) by inserting for example a cylinder or a cube (with texture) in the scene, with radius/side large enough to contain the scene (the texture of the cylinder/cube will be your background/sky)

- you can build models of mountains, trees, rivers, lakes, streams, etc... and insert them in the scene to enrich the landscape

- you can add houses, cars, motorcycles, people, birds, etc...

- you can add to the scene any object you want, designed by You using 3D modelers (or purchased on the Internet: all formats compatible with SceneKit can be used such as OBJ (with MTL and TEXTURE with relative path), SCN, STL, etc...)


3D model import:

- File sharing (iTunes)

- Open In


Useful for example:

- for retailers, to show the products on sale (3D catalog: show real products not yet present in the shop ex. eyeglasses, ornaments, favors, chandeliers, etc...)

- to better visualize the model before 3D printing (the displayed model can be directly printed using 3D printers and specific printing software)

- for architecture ex. observing / studying / showing in detail a room / apartment / building not yet existing

- for engineering ex. design houses and exploring them even before starting construction work

- as a creative game (build, photograph or film fantasy worlds created by you)

- etc…



- You pay only once and run on all your devices

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# Titolo articolo Visite
1 VR Models Manager Screen Shots 3183
2 VR Models Manager Quick Users Guide 4579

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NGCYBIT Robotics

NGCYBIT Robotics



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