FingerCAD / FingerCAD HD is the first CAD application for technical drawing with fingers assisted by computer for portable devices. With "FingerCAD" you can draw houses, bridges, planimetry of apartments, mechanical components, geometrical figures, everything that can be designed with a common PC CAD. Useful for the engineers on construction site, for architects, surveyors, designers, students etc.. The design possibilities with "FingerCAD" are endless and all this using only your portable device, during a travel or comfortably seated or standing at work. The ease of use makes it very useful and versatile. The final design can be saved using standard formats (ex. DXF) and can be sent via e-mail or printed. The zoom and pan, the customization of the drawing, the common cad tools, autosaving and the ability to continue operations even in subsequent sessions of use (at boot "FingerCAD" will load automatically the design saved in the previous session of use), possibility to add measurements and free text makes it truly unique. Each CAD object is treated as a separate object; You can then go back in time by removing the objects from last to first (also in next sessions of work), select and remove the undesired parts / incorrect objects. The "automatic acquisition of nearest vertices" facilitates the drawing of adjacent graphics objects and the function "2x" allows you to draw walls (double line) automatically (you can specify the thickness of the wall as desired). The three RGB components, alpha transparency, the freehand drawing, the ability to fill an object with colors, the color palette, the color picker, in addition to the common functions of a CAD give you the ability to add manual graphical effects at the overall design (also using freehand drawing).
MODIFY, COPY AND MOVE for CAD objects (also from one layer to another one).
Virtual Reality Exploration: you can walk in the 3D model and observe it using first person view (Finger3D (HD) + FingerCAD (HD)).
HIGH PRECISION OF DRAWING: using the “under finger dynamic drawing preview “ you can see exactly where for example the initial / final point of a line will be placed (observing the preview window that shows the area of drawing not visible under the finger).
AUTO-PAN for work area: if you reach the border of the screen, FingerCAD shifts automatically the work area so you can continue to draw longest lines - you have not to use the "zoom out" to draw long lines.
.OBJ 2D and 3D export routine: export the CAD design for 3D modeling softwares such as Finger3D (HD), Blender, Maya 3D, etc... or print it using 3D printers
DXF export/import for AutoCad, qCad, SolidWorks, etc...
PDF export.
File formats conversions: - from DXF to OBJ - from DXF to PDF - from DXF to IMAGE (JPG,PNG)
3D models can be displayed directly using the "FingerCAD 3D VIEWER".
DROPBOX / iCloud Drive file sharing (IN and OUT)
Ability to import DXF files from a WEB LINK and/or from an EMAIL ATTACHMENT.
Ability to PRINT the design (using AirPrint).
Other features: - CAD (computer assisted design) - Walls with adjustable thickness - Snap to control points - Free text - UNDO/REDO for the graphics objects, from last to first - Selection and ability to transform/move/delete selected objects - Autosave - Grid - Snap to grid - Adjustable grid - Labels indicating the finger position on the cad area - Many selectable unit of measurement - Design multi-layer and multi-floor - The selected objects can be moved or copied from one layer to another layer or from a floor to another floor - Preview of other layers in the current layer - Scale and rotate - Extend - Trim - Mirror - Send with an email the generated .dxf, .obj, .pdf files - Ability to share .dxf, .obj, .pdf with other installed apps - DXF part library (architecture, communication, electrical, electronics, mechanical, misc, processing, templates, zipf_libs)
Updates and new added Features:
Version Number: 1.1 - Under finger dinamic drawing preview added (when you draw an object you can see exactly where is the final vertex) - Arc drawing corrected - Control button, grix, axes automatically removed when saving the tecnical drawing into device's photo album - Grid control added
Version Number: 1.2 - Drawing object height added - Zombie object removed - .obj 2D and 3D export function (drawing can be saved int .obj file (2D and 3D) so it can be imported in modeling software as for example Blender) - .obj file+message can be sent by e-mail directly by FingerCAD (mail client built in)
Version Number: 1.3 - Multilayer drawing added - Selected object can now be moved - Selected object can now be copied - Automatic management of the measurement units
Version Number: 1.31 - Drawing MultiLayers: added layers from 5 to 10 (we have 10 possible layers) - Lenght label preview: When You draw a new object such as for example a line, an arc, a circle, a rect, etc... you can dinamically see their measures (short side and long side) displayed on the screen
Version Number: 1.40 - New drawing position pointer (with vertical axis, orizontal axis and preview of width). - Single or double precision for grid (drawing) - Poly-line and poly-rect function (successives objects are automatically linked) - Fullscreen drawing - 3D drawing viewer (you can display drawing in 3D)
Version Number: 1.42 - Rotation of 3D view around Y axis added (with the rotation around axes X and Y, the scene can be observed in all the directions) - Function for reduction of the objects height in the "3D VIEW" (for a better view of the depth of objects in the scene) - Height from the ground for the objects added (so you can draw an object raised from ground) - Improved automatic acquiring for vertexes (To simplify the design) - Cad work area settings: save and reset user's setting for next session of work - New drawing functionality "LINE: CLOSING FOR ANGLES OR WALLS" added: now you can link two lines with an automatic angle (double line); the system calculates the intersection of the two lines in the workspace and it draws the relative angle - New drawing functionality "LINE WITH ANGLE" added: now you can draw lines with specified angle from X axis (select from 0 to 359 degrees using a slider control) - AutoPan for work area during drawing (if you reach the border of the screen, FingerCAD shifts automatically the work area so you can draw lines longest of the selected screen work area - you have not to use the "zoom out" to draw longest lines)
Version Number: 1.50 - Export to DXF file format (you can now export your drawing in DXF file format and send it by e-mail directly from integrated mail client of FingerCAD) - Distance regulator for copy and move objects (so you can chose at wich distance move or copy the drawing's objects) - Dashed drawing position and width pointer - Obj generator for ARC(x2) and CIRCLE(x2) walls fixed - Procedure for automatic acquiring of the vertex with minimal distance fixed - Better selection indicators - Different height and height from the ground for the start point and end point of objects (so you can draw an object raised from ground and oblique with height of start point different from height of end point - "obliques trapezes") - Now with height=0 and with "RECT" object you can draw an oblique surface (oblique plane) in the space with different inclinations (height from the ground different between start point and end point) - Units: mm, cm, in, ft - Enable feet & inches for American users ... done - Export to SolidWorks ... with function "export DXF" you can now import drawing into SolidWorks software - done - Have midpoint and quadrant for the circles ... mid virtual point for line added (now the point at center of lines is acquired automatically from the starting vertex of new line); in the same way the circle have virtual points to 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360 degrees)
Version Number: 1.52 - Depth buffer for "FingerCAD 3D Viewer" added - Improved object height (h(SP) and h(EP)) visualization. Now this label appears only if object is selected (edit mode) - More surface for CAD drawing area - Stop for execution removed if the device's email client is not configured - "FingerCAD 3D Viewer" grid added (the same grid of 2D CAD drawing window) - Grid control (enable/disable grid) for "FingerCAD 3D Viewer") - Improved transparency effect for objects - Preview for objects of other layers in selected layer (now, with this feature, you can display in selected layer the design of other layers (layers not selected). The objects of other layers have different colors for each layer and are transparent so you distinguish the object of actual layer by objects of other layers. With this feature you can copy objects of other layers on selected layer - objects overlapping) - Preview for objects of other layers can be enabled or disabled - "FingerCAD 3D Viewer" memory leak fixed
Version Number: 1.54 - Copy and Paste multiple objects from other layers to selected layer (if you draw a plant on a layer and you need same plant on other layer you can draw a plant on a layer and select/copy it to other layers with only one click - only selected objects of other layers will be copyed on selected layer, so you can copy only a part (or all) of another layer on the selected layer) - Move objects from other layers to selected layer (you can decide to move selected objects that are been drawn in a layer on another layer, the one that user has selected for drawing) - Dimensions enlarged for too small buttons - Units: mm, cm/m, m, in, ft
Version Number: 1.56 - Possibility to load an image from photo albums (you can acquire it with the photo camera) and: - Scale it to fit on design - Place a "CAD object" over the scaled image - Use the image as background of your design (design on a picture) - Take a snapshot of an object in the world with your photo camera and insert over it the measure (using measure tool or line and free text for measure - useful for take a note about the measure of an object) - Use the background image to help yourself in your design (copy from an image or from an existing CAD design) - Image can be loaded and removed when you want (image loading and release) - Projects Management (projects archives): - You can save an infinite number of projects - You can load an existing project (saved in previous session of work) - You can load an existing project and merge it to current project (the two projects will be visualized together in current project) - You can delete the projects not desidered - 3D Rendering: - You can now render the design visualized in "FingerCAD 3D Viewer", save it into "Photo Albums", send it by email as a JPG file - Free text font dimension increased
Version Number: 1.58 - "AutoSet" on "orizontal plane" for "end point height from the ground" and "end point height" (their values, if desidered, can be modified manually) - "PREVIOUS LAYER PREVIEW" feature: "layer number-1" preview visualized on selected layer - "FLOOR HEIGHT" feature (you can select the height of the building floors) - "LAYER AS A FLOOR" feature: with this feature you can design building (with many floors): 1) For example you can draw a floor on a layer and, at the end, you can render the complete building simple selecting "LAYERS : ALL" and using "FingerCAD 3D VIEWER"; 2) You can draw a layer and copy it on another layer; so, if the floor of the building are all the same the design of the entire building is very simple: - draw a floor on a layer (ex. layer 1) - select another layer (ex. layer 2) - set the "FLOOR#" as 2 for the layer 2 - click on "PREVIOUS LAYER" button to display "layer 1" in "layer 2" - select all the objects of "layer 1" - set "COPY DISTANCE" as 0 - copy on layer 2 (the "layer 1" will be copied on layer 2 at the floor number 2 - at the "HEIGHT" of the floor number 2) - repeat the steps for all the building floors (layers) - select "LAYERS: ALL" - use "FingerCAD 3D Viewer" to render the building - to render only one building floor select the desidered layer and render it with "FingerCAD 3D Viewer"
Version Number: 1.60 - BACKGROUND COLOR can now be changed with all the colors you want (RGB selection). For example, your design can be black on white background. - All "objects color" can be changed with one click (you can change its color chosing a new RGB color for the entire design) - VERTEX EDITING TOOL added. When is enabled ("ON") with your finger you can: - change the positions of the object's vertexes - change for example the middle point of a line to another point of the same line or the extreme point of a rect etc. (this new points will be "new magnetic points" for automatic vertex acquiring) - if you move a vertex near another one, the second vertex will be linked to the first and will be moved together (closing and moving together) - change the angle/position of a wall (moving the angle vertex with your finger) - align surfaces - modify all CAD objects with your finger - "CURVE - DRAWING TOOL" added (you can draw curves in the space and you can modify them with your finger using "VERTEX EDITING TOOL"; with this "curve tool" you can draw also walls or surfaces in the space, with any shape you want) - EXPORT for CURVES AND SURFACES as .OBJ 2D, .OBJ 3D, .DXF - Correct "virtual vertex position" initialization for wall drawing - Increased font dimensions for text, measure, drawing label position and dimensions indicator - Better control for "image scale" - "Dotted line" selecting alpha = 0.0 - "UNDERGROUND BUILDING DESIGN" (object with height < 0.0 - you can draw underground building floors)
Version Number: 1.62 "DRAWING PRECISION" UPDATE: 1) the grid can now be set between 10, 5, 2, 1 (um, mm, cm, m, in, ft) 2) "drawing position pointer" (with vertical axis and orizontal axis) also for "EDIT FOR VERTEXES" 3) dynamic circle area indicator for "EDIT FOR VERTEXES" displayed 4) dinamic label for position and length for drawing and vertexes editing now will increase and decrease its dimension proportionally with the use of the zoom 5) line join and line cap rounded
Version Number: 1.64 "SECOND DRAWING PRECISION" UPDATE: 1) The problem "scaling is not good" is now fixed (now you can draw with extreme precision also when zoom in --> micro design feature) 2) Small line drawing fixed (polyline with small linked line) 3) Polyline drawing also for ARC and CURVE (with polyarc and polycurve you can draw next arc/curve linked together) 4) Polyline for "LINE WITH ANGLE" fixed 5) Black image/wrong frame rendering problem removed (from 3D image to JPG file) 6) Better automatic vertexes acquisition 7) Vertexes indicator now will increase and decrease its dimension proportionally with the use of the zoom 8) Symbol, line width, text and labels now will increase and decrease its dimension proportionally with the use of the zoom 9) Dynamic drawing position pointer preview for line width now will increase and decrease its dimension proportionally with the use of the zoom 10) Pan (up/down/left/right) now will increase and decrease its shift value proportionally with the use of the zoom
Version Number: 1.66 "FINGERCAD DXF IMPORT, ROTATE/SCALE FOR SELECTED OBJECTS, MULTI-TOUCH INTERFACE ( ZOOM WITH TWO FINGERS , FRONTAL TOOLS SELECTION )" UPDATE: - "Frontal tools selection" for drawing tools and for cad objects selection (you can change drawing tool or enable/disable objects selection from "FingerCAD Drawing Window", without open "FingerCAD Settings Window") - iTunes File Sharing (so you can share cad drawing between FingerCAD for iPhone/iTouch and FingerCAD HD for iPad, create a backup copy of your FingerCAD drawing, etc...) - Muti-touch for zoom in/out: you can zoom in/out using two fingers - Scale feature for "CAD objects" (increase or decrease dimension for selected object) - Rotate feature for "CAD object" (rotate clockwise or anticlockwise selected objects) - Rotate layer (slecting all the objects of the selected layer) - New RECT tool: rect can now be edited and deformed (from rect to generic polyline of 4 side) correctly, rotated, scaled, etc... - "HELP/TUTORIALS" pressing "info" button in the "FingerCAD Setting Windows" (it opens a software support URL where you can find the released software users guide) - Import feature for "FINGERCAD.dxf" file FINGERCAD DXF IMPORT procedure: 1) connect your device to MAC and open iTunes software 2) into iTunes, click on your device --> Applications 3) click, below in the iTunes Applications window, on FingerCAD --> you can see the files contained in the Document folder of FingerCAD 4) rename the DXF file that you have to import with this name: FINGERCAD.dxf (case sensitive) 5) drag "FINGERCAD.dxf" file into the document folder of FingerCAD (into iTunes - see point 3) 6) run FingerCAD software --> the file FINGERCAD.dxf (your design) will be detected and imported automatically 7) open "FingerCAD Archive Management" to save the imported design into FingerCAD PROJECTS Archive
Version Number: 1.68 - Generic DXF file import procedure (FingerCAD can import DXF file format generated by any CAD software): DXF primitives import supported: 1: CIRCLE 2: LWPOLYLINE 3: LINE 4: ARC 5: TEXT 6: MTEXT 7: DIMENSION 8: ELLIPSE - EDIT label coordinate position fixed - Possibility to write X,Y coordinate for start point of any CAD object: 1. write coordinates X and Y for CAD object stat point 2. drag your finger on the screen to draw object 3. remove the finger from the screen to confirm end point for the object
Version Number: 1.70 - Image scale control range increased (better scaling for high quality images) - "OBJ H." button --> possibility to modify selected objects height and quota values (with that feature you can for example extrude imported DXF 2D model and obtain/visualize 3D model with "FingerCAD 3D Viewer") - Multi-Touch for "FingerCAD 3D Viewer" : The "Fingers Exploration Core Module" of Finger3D is now part of "FingerCAD 3D Viewer". With this module you can zoom in/out 3D model with two fingers and rotate it up/down/left/right with one finger This core is implemented using openGL library (it uses the 3D graphics acceleration of the device) - Generic DXF import procedure optimized - "OBJ C." button (FingerCAD Settings Window) procedure modified: 1) if no one CAD object is selected --> change color/transparency to all cad objects (new color can be specified by red, green, blue, alpha slider controls - select ALPHA=0 for DOTTED LINE) 2) if some objects are selected --> change color/transparency only for selected CAD objects (new color can be specified by red, green, blue, alpha slider controls - select ALPHA=0 for DOTTED LINE)
Version Number: 1.71 - iOS 4.2 - CAD core optimized and accelerated graphics - .DXF file import procedure optimized (supports great file dimension) - .DXF export procedure optimized (supports great files dimension) - .OBJ 2D and 3D export procedure optimized (supports great files dimension) - move, copy, rotate, edit, modify, color change procedures optimized - "FingerCAD 3D Viewer" now supports complexes 3D models (Finger3D core integration) - Better drawing for small components - Better auto acquisition for vertexes - Better zoom with two fingers procedure - Better "grid snap" indicator - Distance from line for the measure tool proportional with zoom in/out value
Version Number: 1.72 - .DXF Projects Archive added: 1) store all your DXF projects into FingerCAD Documents folder using "iTunes File Sharing" 2) open "DXF Projects Archive", select your DXF project, import and merge it with current project (You can merge two or more DXF projects with current project workspace) 3) compatibility with FREE objects DXF library: "partLibrary". it includes the following dxf library objects: architecture, electrical, electronics, mechanical, misc, processing, templates, zipf_libs - .DXF file import procedure fixed for DXF files generated by "Windows CAD software" (with this fix you can now import .DXF files generated by CAD software running under Windows) - .DXF file import procedure minor bug fixed - .DXF file import procedure optimized (supports great file dimension) - Graphics acceleration (also for great model): supports for multiple core CPUs - "FingerCAD 3D Viewer": better supports for complexes 3D models (Finger3D core integration) - UNDO for VERTEX EDITING WITH FINGERS functionality (if you have wrong, you can now UNDONE the VERTEX EDITING WITH FINGERS functionality (enabled with EDIT button)) - OBJECTS SNAP routine added (with this feature you can recalculate the objects snapping points, for example when you EDIT one or more objects)
Version Number: 1.73 DROPBOX / iDisk integration: - read, modify, save (into "FingerCAD project archive") dxf files stored on DROPBOX or iDisk server: You can open dxf file with FingerCAD directly from the DROPBOX or iDisk client for iTouch/iPhone/iPad (FREE) clicking on the "open in" button in the DROPBOX or iDisk client and choose FingerCAD --> the chosen dxf file will be opened automatically by FingerCAD (you can also merge more than one dxf files into the current workspace importing them one after the other from DROPBOX or iDisk - FingerCAD will work in background). It works like the "FingerCAD DXF Archive" but the archive is saved into the DROPBOX or iDisk server E-MAIL integration: - read, modify, save (into "FingerCAD project archive") dxf files from email attachments WEB LINK integration: - read, modify, save (into "FingerCAD project archive") dxf files directly from an internet link UNDO: - undo for select, copy and move (if you have wrong, you can now UNDONE copy or move) - import for great dxf file dimension (compatible with the device memory)
Version Number: 1.74 * DROPBOX / iDisk integration (UPLOAD modified DXF): You can now upload dxf files (read from FingerCAD archive, DROPBOX or iDisk servers, E-MAIL, WEB LINK and modified with FingerCAD itself) to DROPBOX or iDisk servers: load dxf file created by your friend, modify it, save it where you want, copy modified dxf file into a DROPBOX or iDisk shared folder and your friend will have your version of dxf file (all can be done using an internet connection). * UNDER FINGER PREVIEW FOR CAD PRIMITIVE FIRST VERTEX: Select a CAD primitive (such as a line) and touch the screen (without dragging your finger) --> the position of touch under finger will be displayed upper left in the screen (into the preview window - it give you the possibility to see the exact position of the first vertex for the chosen CAD primitive, under your finger): if the position is not correct raise your finger from the screen --> CAD primitive drawing will be aborted by FingerCAD (no one CAD primitive will be drawn); if the position displayed is correct drag your finger on the screen (to draw the CAD primitive you have chosen) and raise your finger to confirm. * New and better routine for NEAR VERTEXES AUTOMATIC ACQUISITION * CAD GRID RANGE increased * Better fonts * Minor bug fixed
Version Number: 1.76 * Ability to specify the dxf file name when You send your dxf projects files to DROPBOX or iDisk using "Project Name" text field * UNDO / REDO buttons * New FingerCAD Settings window * Modify button for cad objects HEIGHT and QUOTA - "HEIGHT" button: - if no one cad object is selected --> modify all cad objects HEIGHT and QUOTA as specified into settings window - if one or more cad objects are selected --> modify selected cad objects HEIGHT and QUOTA as specified into settings window * Modify button for cad objects COLOR - "COLOR" button: - if no one cad object is selected --> modify all cad objects RED, GREEN, BLUE color components as specified into settings window - if one or more cad objects are selected --> modify selected cad objects RED, GREEN, BLUE color components as specified into settings window * Modify button for cad objects ALPHA (transparency) - "ALPHA" button: - if no one cad object is selected --> modify all cad objects ALPHA (transparency) component as specified into settings window - if one or more cad objects are selected --> modify selected cad objects ALPHA (transparency) component as specified into settings window * Modify button for cad objects WIDTH - "WIDTH" button: - if no one cad object is selected --> modify all cad objects WIDTH as specified into settings window - if one or more cad objects are selected --> modify selected cad objects WIDTH as specified into settings window * New EDIT tool: MOVE - TRANSFORM - VLINK - MOVE: touch and drag with Your finger the CAD objects - TRANSFORM: touch and transform (dragging your finger) the shape of CAD objects - VLINK: join with a touch the CAD objects; use the ANCHOR tool with VLINK to specify manually (using the ANCHOR X,Y text fields) the exact position of the object's vertexes in the CAD AREA * More accurate EDIT --> NODE/TOUCH acquiring routine * Edit radius slider control range increased * DOC button ("?") added: use that button to download the latest FingerCAD available documentation (it needs an internet connection) * Simplified and more accessible users interface * Better cad objects height and quota indicator (zoom with dynamic font dimension) * DXF read procedure optimized (it prevents FingerCAD automatic shutdown for great dimension DXF files) * New DXF Archive Manager (user can now store, load, save, modify dxf file name and share dxf projects with dropbox or iDisk using FingerCAD dxf archive itself) * New FingerCAD Projects Archive * Optimized drawing performances and cad objects DB * Optimized zoom with two fingers routines * Precision IMAGE SCALING using near proximity scale increase and decrease buttons or text field * Possibility to increase or decrease fonts dimension using increase/decrease fonts dimension buttons * Supported device orientations * New Copy routine (copy respect X or Y axes at specified distance) * Precision Copy / Move routine using near proximity increase and decrease buttons (for the copy / move distance value selector) * Precision line with angle routine using near proximity increase and decrease buttons (for the angle value control) * Precision floor height using near proximity increase and decrease buttons (for the floor height value) * Floor height control range increased * RESET VIEW button * Minor bug fixed
Version Number: 1.77 * iOS 5 tested * Design visualization fixed on iOS 5 * Background image allows editing enabled
Version Number: 1.78 * AirPrint (now You can print what You see in the CAD area) * New more accessible interface * New Projects and Projects Archive window, with current project design preview visualization, projects creation date and new graphics * Color Palette and Color Picker added * Move and Copy command range modified * Save/Archive workspace loaded background image * More accurate edit area radius control * Selection indicator color and selected objects and text color modified if white background is selected (better color contrast) * iOS supported version: from 4.2 to the latest iOS 5
Version Number: 1.79 * Added EDIT ACTION MULTIPLIER (x1, x3, x15) for "rotate and scale selected objects" * Better background image management: optimization of device's resource and graphics core acceleration * Dynamic grid settings: now the grid reduces automatically the grid size when You zoom in (graphical grid support for very little objects - "snap to grid" feature can be set independently from graphical grid settings) * Fixed box measure label value * Minor bug fixed
Version Number: 1.80 * Retina display support for 2D and 3D * Ability to export the design into a .pdf file format * Ability to send the generated .pdf file with an email (as an email attachment) * Added the ability to share with dropbox or other installed apps the files .dxf , .obj , .pdf : -> this feature give the ability to share: .dxf files with MAC or PC commercial CAD applications like AutoCAD , QCAD , etc… .obj files with Finger3D , Blender , Maya 3D , etc… (with Finger3D for iPad, iPhone, iTouch You can continue Your CAD design in a 3D world modeler, add texture like the ground and the sky, add lights, create doors, windows, arcs, add people or 3D furniture, color the 3D design, animate all, render high quality JPG and PNG images with antialiasing and image enhancement filters, print the 3D design, etc…) .pdf files with pdfManager , acrobat Reader , etc… * Added the ability to draw filled path for: FREE DRAWING, ARC, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, GENERIC RECTANGLE/RECT_POLYGON(rectangle after editing), CURVE * Added free hand drawing tool with high performance/zero latency : now You can use FingerCAD to draw also freehand objects. The zero latency of the FREE DRAWING tool gives to FingerCAD the same power of the professional boards for freehand drawing (try it also with snap to grid disabled) * Added dynamic label of measure length while placing a measure * Better indications for the tools labels and new buttons icons * More accurate controls to set the cad area size * Better "LINE: ANGLE, LENGTH" routine: now the length is rounded to the nearest integer value and the line length variation depends by the settings of the "grid snap": - if grid snap = 10 --> the line length variation for each step will be 10 - if grid snap = 5 --> the line length variation for each step will be 5 - if grid snap = 2 --> the line length variation for each step will be 2 - if grid snap = 1 --> the line length variation for each step will be 1 - if grid snap = DISABLED --> the line length variation for each step will be 1 * Increased precision for the ARC routine: the radius length depends now by the settings of "snap to grid: ON/OFF": it simplifies the drawing of doors, windows etc... * Fixed a bug that cause the computation infinite loop for "LINE: ANGLE OR WALLS CLOSING" tool if the two segments to be closed are parallel * EDIT (VLINK) and ANCHOR now work together: example "place a point of a line in the desired position (X,Y)" - draw a line - set EDIT to ON pressing on EDIT button (the edit area will appear on the screen) - choose VLINK (default) - move the desired point of a line dragging the point (control point) with a finger (the anchor's position values will be updated automatically with the position of touch and the point of the line will be moved in that position) - when the line's point is near to the desired position, write the desired position with the keyboard in X and Y text fields near the anchor button, confirm with the keyboard "return" button and press on anchor button --> the point of the line will be moved in the X,Y written position
Version Number: 1.81 * Fixed a print bug that sometimes causes the visualization of the activity indicator on the printed page
Version Number: 1.82 * iOS 5.1 with retina display supported for the new iPad (iOS supported: from iOS 4.2 to the latest iOS available) * Disabled auto pan procedure for FREEHAND DRAWING tool: now you can draw freehand objects using all the screen surface
Version Number: 1.83 - "Ease of use update" * New "LINE: ANGLE, LENGTH" tool: - write the line first point position (X,Y coordinate) or touch the screen without dragging Your finger to set X,Y coordinate - write the line length using "LINE: LENGTH" text field - choose rapidly the line angular direction (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°) using the new main direction buttons - press the "INSERT" button to add a new line (if POLYLINE is enabled "POLY->ON", You can add many lines joined together simply changing the line length and the line angle and pressing the INSERT button) * Better "LINE: SNAPS TO THE NEAREST CONTROL POINT" tool * MIRROR and COPY MIRROR for selected CAD objects respect the X axis or the Y axis * Action multiplier x1,x3,x15 can now be used for COPY and MOVE * Ability to copy, move, scale, rotate from the object current layer to a destination layer (the current selected layer) also for from "on all the layers; LAYER=ALL" to a single layer * Touch the screen and set the anchor position (enable anchor pressing the anchor button); while You are drawing an object (dragging Your finger on the screen) the anchor position will be updated automatically with the last touched position on the screen (it show You the X,Y coordinates of the position of Your touch) * Project georeferencing added * Compass rose added
Version Number: 1.84 - "Ease of use update STEP 2" * New selection procedure ("multiple selection rectangle" and "selective tap selection"): - "multiple selection rectangle": draw multiple selection rectangles to select more objects - "selective tap selection": tap an object to select or deselect the touched object; if multiple objects exist in the touched position repeat the tap action to select the second or third or fourth (etc...) object in the position of touch - the selected objects remain selected during editing: copy, move, scale, rotate, mirror, mirror a copy (until user do not deselects the selected objects using "selective tap selection") - when "SELECTION RECTANGLE" tool will be disabled ("SELECTION RECTANGLE: OFF") all the selected objects will be automatically unselected (use this to deselect all the objects) * "LINE: SNAPS TO THE NEAREST CONTROL POINT" tool has now MEMORY of the object's acquired snap point: - it remembers the X position of the snap point if after acquired an object's snap point, the user dragging the finger vertically on the screen (until a certain horizontal distance) - it remembers the Y position of the snap point if after acquired an object's snap point, the user dragging the finger horizontally on the screen (until a certain vertical distance) * SNAP TO THE NEAREST CONTROL POINT also for ARC tool * GESTURE RECOGNIZER for ZOOM and PAN: - ZOOM IN/OUT with pinch gesture - PAN dragging 2 fingers on the screen
Version Number: 2.0 (FingerCAD HD and FingerCAD WS versions only) * iOS 6 tested * High resolution 3D rendering * Better interface * LINE: ANGLE, LENGTH" tool: added new rapid angular selection button (0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270°, 315°) * Accelerated cad core graphics * Under finger preview window: magnifier added * Edit with grid added: now You can use edit with grid (if snap to grid is ON) or free position editing (if snap to grid is OFF) * Automatic "set to selected" for imported dxf objects: with this feature You can edit or move after import the imported dxf objects where You want in the cad area pressing the move/edit/copy/mirror/scale/rotate buttons * New projects and dxf archives * Minor bugs fixed
Version Number: 2.1 (FingerCAD HD and FingerCAD WS versions only) * Ability to share the native FingerCAD project files with other devices (like for example from the iPad/iPad Mini to the iPhone/iTouch or from an iPad/iPad Mini to another iPad/iPad Mini), with other installed apps or with dropbox (.fcad files contains 2D and 3D objects data, objects colors, objects transparency data, objects styles, etc…, all You can see in the FingerCAD project workspace 2D and 3D) * Ability to send with an email the native FingerCAD project files (.fcad files) * Ability to import .fcad files from dropbox, from email attachments, from web links or from other installed apps (like for example "megaDownloader Web Browser (HD)" app, etc…) * New "send projects with an email" interface * Better routines for DXF import (it allows now to import bigger DXF files) * Added the EXTEND tool (EDIT -> EXTEND) to extend a line to another line (touch a line1 control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line1 will be extended to the nearest line2 intersection point) * Added some help images for the 3d objects design settings * Added the dynamic label "line angle" respect to the X axis, visualized during the line construction * Minor bugs fixed
Version Number: 2.2 (FingerCAD HD and FingerCAD WS versions only) * Added the EXTEND tool (EDIT -> EXTEND) to extend: - a line to another line (touch a line1 control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line1 will be extended to the nearest line2 intersection point) - a line to an ARC (touch a line control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line will be extended to the nearest arc intersection point) - a line to a CIRCLE (touch a line control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line will be extended to the nearest circle intersection point) * Library of dxf objects with a new multilevel folders DXF Archive manager. You can now: - download the dxf objects part library using the download button - unzip the downloaded part library - browse the dxf objects of the part library (with dxf object preview) - import and merge the dxf objects of the part library with the current cad project - add Your personal dxf objects library and manage it with the dxf archive - unzip generic dxf library (using multilevel folders) * Minor bugs fixed
Version Number: 2.3 (FingerCAD HD and FingerCAD WS versions only) * Added the TRIM tool (EDIT -> TRIM) to trim: - a line to another line (touch a line1 control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line1 will be trimmed to the nearest line2 intersection point) - a line to an ARC (touch a line control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line will be trimmed to the nearest arc intersection point) - a line to a CIRCLE (touch a line control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line will be trimmed to the nearest circle intersection point) - a line to a RECT (touch a line control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line will be trimmed to the nearest rect intersection point) * Added the EXTEND tool (EDIT -> EXTEND) to extend: - a line to another line (touch a line1 control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line1 will be extended to the nearest line2 intersection point) - a line to an ARC (touch a line control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line will be extended to the nearest arc intersection point) - a line to a CIRCLE (touch a line control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line will be extended to the nearest circle intersection point) - a line to a RECT (touch a line control point and raise the finger from the screen: the line will be extended to the nearest rect intersection point) * Library of dxf objects (architecture, communication, electrical, electronics, mechanical, misc, processing, templates, zipf_libs) with a new multilevel folders DXF Archive manager. You can now: - download the dxf objects part library using the download button - unzip the downloaded part library - browse the dxf objects of the part library (with dxf object preview) - import and merge the dxf objects of the part library with the current cad project - add Your personal dxf objects library and manage it with the dxf archive - unzip generic dxf library (using multilevel folders)
Version Number: 2.4 (FingerCAD HD and FingerCAD WS versions only) * Minor bugs fixed for: - multilayers design "edit" routines - multilayers design "selective tap selection" routines
Version Number: 2.5 (FingerCAD HD and FingerCAD WS versions only) * Added the ability to import external .dxf objects libraries (stored in a .zip archive file format) using "Open In" or "iTunes File Sharing": - from the web (for example using Safari or megaDownloader Web Browser) - from a mail attachment (using Mail) - from dropbox All the imported dxf objects libraries will be saved in the FingerCAD "dxf Archive" and can be used in Your CAD projects. * Minor bugs fixed
Version Number: 2.6 (FingerCAD HD and FingerCAD WS versions only) * Minor bugs fixed
Version Number: 2.7.x (FingerCAD HD and FingerCAD versions only) * iOS 7 and iOS 8 enhancements
Version Number: 2.73 * iOS 8.3 compatible * Performances optimization * Battery duration optimization: decreased the power consumption (30%) * A better design for the interfaces * Simplified the design procedure to draw joined objects (better SNAPS TO THE NEAREST CONTROL POINT) * Minor bugs fixed
Version Number: 2.74 * New fast and powerful ASCII DXF (all years) import routine, natively built into FingerCAD: -> You can now import big DXF files in max 5 seconds -> it is NOT REQUIRED an INTERNET CONNECTION, all is done by FingerCAD app -> fully compatible with the free “Teigha File Converter” app (use this app to convert Your DWG files to DXF ASCII for FingerCAD)
Version Number: 3.0 * FingerCAD "COLOR 3D VIEWER": You can visualize the colored 3D models using the colors assigned to the drawn CAD objects * Added the ability to calculate the measurement of the area of a generic polygonal 3D surface. * Added the ability to insert generic polygonal filled surfaces * VRE (Virtual Reality Exploration) using Finger3D HD together with FingerCAD HD: you can walk in the 3D model and observe it using first person view... see it in action "FingerCAD HD and Finger3D HD VRE mode demo " on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4G43AckKuc&feature=youtu.be * Minor bugs fixed for iOS 10 |