NGCYBIT Robotics

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Home Productivity Scribes Scribes PRO Quick Users Guide

Scribes PRO Quick Users Guide

Scribes PRO Quick Users Guide


  1. Secret password window
  2. Notebooks archive window
  3. Notebooks window
  4. Sharing notebooks or audio recording
  5. Refer to


I am working to give to "Scribes PRO" all the functionalities you need.
If you need new features please send me an email using the link:
(specify "Scribes PRO: request for new features" into the "Oggetto del messaggio" text field)
Every feature requested will be added with a free update to the product.
Thank you for your collaboration.


ver. 1.3

Scribes PRO Quick Users Guide - EN PDF


Scribes PRO FAQ

follow Scribes PRO FAQ here



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NGCYBIT Robotics

NGCYBIT Robotics



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